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My megawalk blog, was obviously inspired by Pinterest. I love trying out recipes, crafts, etc. that I find on Pinterest and thought this would be a great way to share fun projects :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

taking my anger out on Central Market.

So today has totally sucked, for so many reasons that it would take a book to tell anyone about them. But in a nutshell: work is chaotic, my teeth hurt from the not so invisible-lign, I'm a little hungover and I may not have a place to live next week.

So, I was like fuck everything, I'm gonna go get some stir-fry at Central Market to cheer me up, plus it will be quick and easy and I can get right back to work. Well, because of the wonderful aura surrounding me today, a quick little trip turned into a not so quick little disaster. So, to make light of the shitty experience, I sent Central Market a little note via email.

Dear Central Market:
The Central on Broadway in San Antonio is close by my office and me and my friends and co-workers go there all of the time for lunch. I stopped in today to pick-up some stir-fry to go because I was in a hurry and was extremely disappointed in the experience.
I had to wait for over 25 minutes for the stir-fry to be ready. The buzzer they gave me never sounded, so I waited by the counter and stared at my stir-fry (and about 3 others) for at least 5 minutes. During that time about 4 other people who ordered in line after me were served their burgers (apparently that system works like a well oiled machine) .
And then, to make matter worse, I had to watch like 5 employees run around like chickens with their heads cut off scrambling to get the other orders ready! And not one of them asked if I needed help at any point. Finally, someone with some customer service skills came over from the prepared food counter and helped out.
Anyways, my point is that there is some sort of kink in the stir-fry system. It would be really great if y'all could get it worked out so next time me and all of the other stir-fry loving customers don't have to wait 30 minutes for an order.
thank you,

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