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My megawalk blog, was obviously inspired by Pinterest. I love trying out recipes, crafts, etc. that I find on Pinterest and thought this would be a great way to share fun projects :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

call the whaaaambulance, it's an EMERGEN-C!

It's been a while, I think this is my first entry of twenty eleven, whoa weird. Anyhoo, I'm up to some wild shenanigans again, this time the poor people at Alacer Corp., the producers of the ever-so-fantastic Emergen-C get to hear my craziness. Enjoy :)

Dearest: Alacer Corp.

I LOVE EMERGEN-C, especially the pink lemonade ones, they cure practically any ailment I have which is usually a nasty hangover. So, the reason I'm writing is to inquire about a couple of things.

Numero uno: the pink lemonade is soooo much harder to find than the other flavors. I usually have to order it online and it takes a while to get here and I have to pay for shipping, etc. They used to carry it at HEB, now the only time I can find it is during March when the Susan G. Komen race is held, major props for the involvement with bc awareness :), but not so major props on lack of pink lemonade in the HEB's of San Antonio...

So, onto problemo numero dos (2) I love the packets, they are great especially on the go, but they are soooo not good for the environment, especially at the rate me and all of my drunk ass friends go through them, ha ha! Seriously though we have a system, 2 before bed then wake-up and mix some with unflavored pedialyte, life saver, trust.

So anyways, I can't be of much help with finding a solution to problem #1, other than filling out an insane # of comment cards at my local HEB, which I intend to do immediately... But, I can help with problemo # 2, you see my idea is to sell the powder in mid-size canisters, like the old Gatorade containers that look like the orange coolers at football games, they came with a scoop and everything. Just an idea, think about it... I know me & my friends would be all over that sh*t! Not to mention, y'all would be saving the environment one package at a time :)