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My megawalk blog, was obviously inspired by Pinterest. I love trying out recipes, crafts, etc. that I find on Pinterest and thought this would be a great way to share fun projects :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

a case of the mondays...

So, I woke up this morning at 5 am, 25 minutes pre-alarm totally freaking out about what I was going to have to do in approximately 2.5 hours. Today was the big day, my first official time to fire someone... all on my own. The subject, whose name will remain anonymous and given the code name Spike, from the beginning of his employment gave me the heebie jeebies. You know what they say about a woman's intuition... it's usually right and in this case I was so dead on, however what I didn't forsee, was how bad this particular monday would actually be.

Spike, a recovering alcoholic/narcoticsocholic is a real piece of work. He made it a point to share with the office staff all of his ridiculous yet trendy purchases (fivefinger shoes, gross) or his fancy "steakhouse" dinners he likes to take his girlfriend (who he constantly complained about) too. He also happens to be one of the most arrogant sob's that I have come in contact with to date, I mean who goes around bragging about how much money they made because they are such an awesome sales person, ugh.

Well, it got to the point that Spike felt we could not survive without him and he decided that he should start calling all of the shots. I mean really, he went from cleaning drapes, to selling cars, to cleaning carpet all in the span of a year... It doesn't surprise me though because he thought after spending a week in the office on light duty because he "injured" his back that he should be the dispatcher, again with the arrogance. Well, eventually Spike's arrogance turned to anger because he felt he could do everyone's job better. He started rearranging his schedule without informing the dispatcher and refused to work weekends or after 5 pm, all of which are requirements of his position. So, enough was enough, his bad attitude was infecting everyone around him to the point where we could no longer keep him around.

So, I arrive at work around 7 am and realize that I had forgotten my keys, omg I totally freak out and am like how can I fire Spike if my office is locked, I mean I can't fire him from the hallway... Thank goodness our dispatcher arrived a few minutes later and let me in my office. My dispatcher also informed me that one of our other 4 technicians, Rico called in sick, again and that my boss fired him from Michigan where he happens to be on vacation. This puts me a little at ease, I mean if he can do it over the phone from 1,000 miles away, I can do it right, I mean forget the fact that if I fire Spike we will be down to only 2 technicians... I was obviously not thinking clearly. So, at around 7:35 am I see Spike's car arrive. My heart immediately jumps into my throat and my hands start to shake. Holy crap, how the fuck am I supposed to do this if I can't even speak. Well, it got done and approximately 5 hours later technician number 3 met his fate...

Don, one of our most loyal technician of 16 years might have a slight drinking problem. Today the slight problem turned into a real big fucking problem. Toady was Don's first day back from a week long paid vacation and unfortunately one of his appointments involved a ladder. So, here's how the story goes: Don goes to customers home, Don climbs ladder, Don falls off ladder, Don breaks toe, Don goes to MedClinic, Don gets drug/alcohol test, Don fails test. MedClinic won't let Don drive home because Don's blood alcohol level is .028. Don calls office and needs ride home...

So, let's do the math: We started the day with 4 technicians, 7 am Rico gets fired for excessive absenteeism, 7:45 am Spike gets fired for being a douche bag, 4:30 pm Don gets stuck at MedClinic too drunk to drive. That leaves one technician to pick up Don, Derrick, who will probably quit tomorrow due to the fact that he is the only one left leaving me with a case of the Tuesdays...