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My megawalk blog, was obviously inspired by Pinterest. I love trying out recipes, crafts, etc. that I find on Pinterest and thought this would be a great way to share fun projects :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

what do you do with a blue rhino... cheer it up by telling it a joke.

here's the latest consumer awareness email to add to my growing repertoire...

Dear Blue Rhino Outdoor Grills:

Yesterday we purchased a deluxe charcoal grill from Lowe's to grill steaks on to celebrate America's birthday, the 4th of July. So, it came in a box and we had to put it together.

Everything was going great until it came time to put the lid on. We got the lid on, no problems, but it is totally off center. The handles do not line up, it's off keel. It wouldn't be so bad except that it is our first grill in our new home and everyone who comes over is going to see that it has crooked handles.

It's like whoever put it together drilled the whole in the wrong spot and now we are stuck with a sad looking specimen of a grill. We thought it might be somewhat of a concern, maybe the person who drills the holes had too many cocktails at lunch, who knows, but we thought you may like to be aware of the situation.

the proud owners of a crooked grill.

here is what the grill should look like:

here is what our crooked ass grill looks like:

Friday, June 25, 2010

just for shits & giggles...

the dispatcher at the company I work for sends me emails whenever someone does not show up for work. I thought it might be interesting to chronicle them somewhere. These are straight from the emails, so please excuse any grammatical errors and please take special notice to how excited the dispatcher is to be informing me of each absentee!

Fri 6/25/2010 7:57 AM:

Mary came in complaing she was sick so i told her to go come she said had a bad pain in her side!

Thu 6/24/2010 7:57 AM

Oliver also called in saying his bands on braces come off so he has 2 wires sticking out he was going to the dentist to get them fixed!

Thu 6/24/2010 7:32 AM

Liza Called in this morning Nausea,headache,body ache.

Fri 6/18/2010 8:06 AM

Just wanted to let you know Liza asked if she could leave by noon!

I told her it was fine because they really didn't have that much!

She has to pick up her granddaughter!

Wed 6/9/2010 8:16 AM

Oliver called in today said he was feeling real sick!

Fri 4/16/2010 8:26 AM

Richard called in sick said he was throwing up!

Fri 4/9/2010 7:48 AM

E called in sick again!

Tue 4/6/2010 7:54 AM

Richard called in this morning again! Said he was still sick

Mon 4/5/2010 9:04 AM

Richard called in this morning said he had a head cold!

Tue 3/23/2010 8:10 AM

E's wife called in for him and said he was going to the hospital because she thinks his kidney stones came back.

Mon 6/28/2010 8:38 AM
Liza said she found another Job!
I asked her to give you a call Bob to let you know she was quitting!

I hope you enjoyed!