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My megawalk blog, was obviously inspired by Pinterest. I love trying out recipes, crafts, etc. that I find on Pinterest and thought this would be a great way to share fun projects :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

"only a whore like you would catch that..." -Anonymous

so, i was at a wedding this weekend and got slightly too intoxicated and missed one of the best quotes ever, "only a whore like you would catch that..." -Anonymous

To fully understand the full meaning of the quote I must give a quick history lesson (for the sake of being anonymous, i have changed the names).

It all began in the halls of Capeside Heights High School about 10 years ago, a young boy named Dawson and an even younger girl named Joey met and began their courtship. Over the years, the couple had their ups and downs, but eventually realized that they were destined to be together, bringing us to this past wedding weekend.

Like most high school "cliques" Dawson and Joey had theirs. Two of their friends- Pacey and Andie also had courted, but unlike Dawson and Joey, their destiny was not to end up together and they split. Andie moved on... and recently she too got engaged. Unfortunately her fiance lives in Mississippi and couldn't make it in town for the wedding.

Pacey, was still searching for his soul mate when he ran into Jen, one of Joey's other high school friends. So, Jen and Pacey started to spend some time together and realized they had a lot in common. Jen and Andie were not the best of friends, so Jen didn't see any asking Pacey to be her date to Dawson and Joey's wedding, bringing us to the wedding.

Well, the ceremony went of without a hitch. Joey glided down the aisle with her mother by her side and looked absolutely stunning. The minister told stories from Capeside Heights of Dawson's glory days on the soccer field and his teammates who stood beside him at the alter all laughed with joy. It was truly picturesque!

After the ceremony the booze was flowing and the courtyard filled with laughter and joy. People danced, ate and drank the night away... some people just drank the night away- ie. me, hence why I missed the infamous quote.

Then, came time for the bouquet toss. With "all the single ladies"- by Beyonce playing in the background, the DJ called for them to gather around Joey. Jen and Andie crossed paths for the first time in the evening and ended up standing right next to each other. Andie was quite belligerent at this point and screeched, "Jen, can you please not stand next to me". Jen, refused to move and replied, "No, Andie, I'm not moving, you can move if you want to."

Then, from out of nowhere came the toss and to Jen's utter disbelief the bouquet landed in her arms! Andie, furious with anger, steam brewing off her forehead, glared down at Jen and shrieked, "Only a whore like you would catch that" and walked away. Jen shocked by Andie's crude words and foul mouth fell into the arms of Pacey and they lived happily ever after.

The End.